
4 > 21  February
Touch me gentle 
Edu project for Middle School - Milan

25 -26 Janaury
The spece of the tongue by Ambra Pittoni
Madre Museum - Naples

17 - 24 January
The space of the tongue by Ambra Pittoni

2 - 6 January
workshop by Elena Giannotti & Max Barachini
Atelier delle arti - Livorno


06 - 08 December 
Nao Performing Arts Festival
Did Studio - Milan

22 - 24 November
Research Camping / Ricercax
Lavanderia a Vapore - Turin

03 November
POEMS (you wander the island)
Racconti di altre danze Festival - Livorno

21 - 31 October 
UN/DRESS ME NOW by Masako Matsushita
Lavanderia a Vapore - Turin

03 October
Interazioni Festival - Rome

20 - 21 September 
POEMS (you wander the island)
Fabbrica Europa Festival - Florence

18 August > 04 September
Boarding pass plus dance - Lavanderia a Vapore
Situate - Hobart, Tasmania

1 > 7 August 
Cango - Compagnia Virgilio Sieni 

19 > 31  July
DiD Studio - Milan

16 > 19 June
drammatugical consultancy
Laura Gazzani

8 > 12 May
drammaturgical consultancy
Laura Gazzani

22 April > 06 May 
Poems Residency

06 > 08  March
Assaggi - Edu project by gruppo nanou 

19 > 21 February
Assaggi - Edu project by gruppo nanou

22 > 25 January
Curavare il tempo - Chiara Bersani
Pirelli Hangar Bicocca - Milano

09 > 22 January
Poems residency
Fondazione Armunia - Castiglioncello

04 > 07 January
Spacecraft - workshop by Elena Giannotti and Max Barachini
Atelier delle arti - Livorno


27 November > 10 December
Lavanderia a Vapore, Torino

14 October 
Book Launch
222 artisti emegenti su cui investire nel 2024 - Exibart
Art Verona

9 > 22 October
Lavanderia a Vapore, Torino

15 September
Performative 03, MAXXI L’Aquila
Teatro dell’Accademia

7 September
PMP / Turku Team- European Project
with Paola Granato
online seminar

17 August
B-motion Festival, Bassano del Grappa
CSC San Bonaventura

4 > 6 August
Enrico by Laura Gazzani
dramatugical consultancy

14 July
Santarcangelo Festival 23
FONDO - network for emerging artists

10 > 14 July
Handbook - workshop
Palazzo Te - Mantova

3 > 5 July
Poems residency
with Elena Giannotti
Atelier delle arti, Livorno

26 June > 1 July
Enrico by Laura Gazzani
dramatugical consultancy

7 June
Moving by Masako Matsushita
BAM - Milano

26 > 28 May
Ai confini della realtà - workshop
by Elena Giannotti and Massimiliano Barachini
Atelier delle arti, Livorno

2 > 7 May
Poems residency
with Paola Granato and Lucrezia Palandri
Spazio K, Prato

16 march > 28 April
residency with Andrea Martinucci
Aldea - Contempoary art, Bergen

27 march > 1 April
Boarding Pass Plus dance
with gruppo nanou
Arts Research Institute and Georgian Regional Theaters Network, Georgia

2 > 5  March
by Masako Matsushita
(Un)fair, Milano

27 February > 2 March
Boarding Pass Plus dance
with gruppo nanou
Transitional-fictional Theater, Croatia

17 > 19 February
Ai confini della realtà - workshop
by Elena Giannotti and Massimiliano Barachini
Atelier delle arti, Livorno

14 - 15 February
by Laura Gazzani
dramatugical consultancy

© Aurelio Di Virgilio -  2024